Chris is an engineer come from Germany working in Kaohsiung now. He hopes he can become an independent kiteboarder before he leaves Taiwan. After few days practicing, he already can ride a kiteboard over 200 meters in flat water condition now. Hoping he can get the skills of changing board direction and upwind soon.
We reached Beimen beach, located in south Taiwan, at pm12. The wind speed was 16-20 knots. After pm1430, it becomes 22-26 knots. We played 7, 8, 12M kites. 4 kiteboarders had a very nice day. Some photos, videos as bellow, 1月21日,12時到達北門海邊, 風力為16至20節,1430過後,風轉強為22至26節, 大家使用7, 8, 12M風箏下水, 玩至17時,收工走人, 回貨櫃屋沖洗後,至麻豆吃薑母鴨。 今天玩家如下:幫主、智淵、Chris、Hank。